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Jobs Australia Jobs in the state of Queensland
Cataloxy Brisbane...Jobs in BrisbaneCompany jobs Susan Hill GP Jobs Sunshine Coast (Brisbane City)Permanent VR GP Job - Sydney CBD, NSW

Job Permanent VR GP Job - Sydney CBD, NSW

ID: 421845   0

Permanent VR GP Job - Sydney CBD, NSW, Brisbane

Salary range: 416000$ - 520000$ per year

Summary information

Position: Permanent VR GP Job - Sydney CBD, NSW
Published: 02/21/2025. Relevant to: 03/07/2025
Categories: Medical/Health
Job type: full time
Gender: any
  Job from partner

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Description of the job

Very busy, mixed billing, group practice needs a full-time or part-time VR GP. Earn $200+ p/h on 70%.

  • Earn $200+ per hour on 70%
  • $150 per hour for 3 months
  • Mixed billing
  • 6 Doctors
  • 10 Consulting rooms
  • 2 nurses on at all times
  • Allied Health on site
  • Standard Consult $80
  • Long Consult $120
  • Fully Accredited
AHPRA registration required.
Please quote job ID# 00430 for a confidential discussion.
For further details please call Susan Hill on 0410 845 808 or email Write to the company

Susan Hill GP Jobs: Placing GPs since 1986

About the company Susan Hill GP Jobs Sunshine Coast

We are Australia’s longest established medical recruitment agency, helping General Practitioners and General Practices since 1986. Details»

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